The Kane Republican from Kane, Pennsylvania (2024)

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1956 THE KANE REPUBLICAN, KANE and MT. JEWETT, PA. PAGE SEVEN USW DUES PROTEST GROWS AS 2 MORE LOCALS BACK RARICK Two more United Steelworkers locals jumped in line today behind rank and file opposition to the union's internaleadership. Local 1190, representing Wheeling Steel Corp. at Steubenville, Ohio, and Local 2057, Saginaw, have endorsed Don C.

Rarick oppose David J. McDonald for the a-year international presidency. The locals also Edward Duquesne, and William Klug, lilwaukee, for the vice presidency and now by Howard R. Hague and I. W.

A Abel, respectively. Rarick and his slate have been named by the International Dues Protest Committee to oppose the existing leadership on the grounds McDonald and his associates have foisted "union feudalism" on the organization. candidates need the nominations of the USW's more than 2,700 locals. The latest nomination brings the rebel total about half way. The rank and file protest began shortly after the USW's eighth international convention in Los Angeles last September.

Rarick and other delegates protested an increase in dues from $3 to $5 a month was "railroaded" through the meeting. Dues protest committees were formed to unite opposition against the increase and call for a special convention to reconsider the dues action. McDonald, terming the convention call "illegal," has threatened to punish the movement leaders. Rarick has dared McDonald to try to expel him. "We have a million members behind us," Rarick declared.

TRUMAN ATTENDS FUNERAL AUBURN, Former President Truman will attend the eneral of Gen. Lewis A. Pick, formchief of Army Engineers, Pick, 66, Alabama industrial velopment director who retired from in 1952, died of cancer in Walter Reed Hospital in Washington. IN A PARAGRAPH Nitey-Nite Sleepers for all ages at Cohn's Tot-To-Teen Shop. ad Fish Fry Friday night West Side Grill.

Oak street, call 9163. Thurs-Eri-tf Santa Claus will be at the Bentz Annex Toy Town on Chase a street Saturday afternoon with gifts for the kiddies. 12-6-2t Special shipment "Simplicity" cotton Dee 12-6-2t Nester Johnson ice skates. Figure and hockey. adult sizes.

Lay-away Selection complete at Cliff's Sports StoreElk Ave. 11-15-tf. Ladies- 800 pairs ladies dress shoes all styles, heels, a -Family Days--Friday and Saturday at Brown's Boot Shop. 12-5-2t They're "made in. -famed Weathershield combination doors and windows.

We will be happy to give you estimates without obligation- -call Firestone, Phone 1100. 6-12-eod-tf Seventeen-year-old David George of Meadville had been hunting four seasons without getting a buck. Monday, he finally bagged a fourpointer, but the am animal was stolen from his father's car while they were eating dinner that night in Titusville. Experts of the State Fish Commisison are renewing their search for the source of pollution that killed 175,000 to 200,000 trout in the State College area, but conceded the going was rough. They said the am.

monia pollution has been traced up Spring Creek to Thompson Run and into a large storm sewer, which has a number of inlets. Three state fish hatcheries are located in the area. Too Late To Classify FOR SALE-1936 Chevy pick up truck. Call 5015R12, 12-6-3t FOR RENT-5 room Main street apt. Steam heat.

Phone 549 between 12-6-3t Save Time and Steps! Shop For FAMOUS BRAND AP Health Beauty Aids! Palmolive Shaving Cream LATHER BRUSHLESS RAPID SHAVE Giant Giant Tube 57c Tube 53c Can 79c Palmolive After-Shave Lotion 5-oz. BAL. Tax Incl. 66c Anacin Tablets: of 50 69c BAL of 100 98c Norwich Aspirin of 100 45c 1-oz. Tube Ungentine 75c Eversharp Schick Inj-Blades Pkg.

of 20 73c Pepto-Bismol Btl. 59c 6-oz. Btl. 59c 14-oz. Btl.

Lysol 99c Fasteeth Powder Pkg. 45c Colgate Tooth Paste Large Giant Econ. Tube Tube Tube 29c 49c 65c Chlorophyll Tooth Paste Colgate Gt. Tube 49c Ammoniated Tooth Powder Colgate Gt. Size 47c Kolynos Tooth Paste Deal Package 2T Tubes 69c Veto Cream Deodorant Large Jar Incl.

47c Cashmere Bouquet Talcum Large Size Incl. 32c Lustre Cream Shampoo Med. Size 57c Large Tube or Jar Jar 1.00 Pacquin Hand Cream Dry Skin Incl. 54c Pacquin Hand Cream Regular Tax Incl. 54c Pacquin Silk 'n Satin Tax Incl.

54c Softskin Cream Moisture Tax Incl. 65c Suave Hair Dressing Incl. 65c Lustre Cream Lotion Shampoo Large Size 60c Giant Size 1.00 Halo Shampoo Btl. 59c Gt. Btl.

89c Wildroot Cr. Oil Hair Tonic 4 oz, Btl. Tax Incl. 65c Wildroot Cr. Oil Hair Tonic 6-oz.

Btl. Tax Incl. 98c AMERICA'S FOREMOST FOOD RETAILER SINCE 1890 Super Markets THE GREAT ATLANTIC PACIFIC TEA COMPANY KANE'S BEST KNOWN NAME IN FURNITURE FOR 52 YEARS "Famed Name" THOUSANDS LIVING ROOMS OF Priced GIFTS from $149.50 BEAUTIFUL 1 THE HOME New--Doubly Useful FOR SOFA BEDS YOU sale Pre-Christmas priced at $59:95 AWAIT CEDAR CHESTS FREE CHRISTMAS DINNER by "CAVALIER" With all purchases of $99.95 or over! A Perfect Gift We invite you to come in From your hand. Stroll through with your gift list in $69.95 the store SEE the lovely things that are interesting to SUGGEST where We have a most enough they should go! beautiful array in this Name Line! Be sure to see them. Advertised in LIFE $49.95 and up GIVE A TABLE which every room will wel- built Ladies Home JOURNAL OPEN come.

Choose from and Seen on TV HASSOCKS FRIDAY modern and traditional styles. A wonderful choice from $8.95 and SATURDAY GIVE PICTURES bring beauty to a room, as you EVES All sizes, colors choose GOOD reproductions, Priced from $3.95 in a variety of subjects. The one only and PRE-CHRISTMAS Helms LIGHTED SCENICS, etc. any LAMPS home, ARE and you WELCOME can choose in HOOVER Constellation TOY SALE the right one for ANY room both modern and tradi- Reg. $97.50 Chairs, 1 Knee-hole DESKS SAVE tional.

from $3.95 UP Doll Carriages Priced NOW TO Rockers From $39.50 GIVE CHAIRS FOR CHRISTMAS MIRRORS reflect your $69.95 gift wisdom, as you BE Samson Card Tables ODD CHAIRS $11.95 up choose all here, from beautifully many And your old BE SURE TO REGISTER- reg. 5.95 $4.95 styles, framed and generously Sweeper sized. "FAMILY Saturday FOR HOME FOR HOME Name Appliances- Everything for the Breakfast Sets Stools, Radios, Dinning Room Suites Zass Furniture Store TV TraysBed Room Suites Tankettes, Changettes. Large and Small 148-150 Phone 579 Nursery. Fraley Street I.

S. FLEET COMMANDER DENIES BRITISH REPORT ROME- Adm. Charles R. Brown, commander of the U. S.

6th Fleet in the Mediterranean, today denied that U. S. naval units deliberately maneuvered to hamper the Anglo-French invasion fleet last month. Reports had circulated in London that the S. forces had "got in the way" of British vessels in Egyptian waters and prevented British forces from landing at the port of Alexandria.

Brown radioed to Rome from his flagship, the cruiser Salem, that the reports were "categorically" untrue. He said a "risk of embarrassment" existed when units of command and the Allied BritishFrench fleets operated in the same area. But he said he and British Adm. Sir Guy Grantham exchanged polite signals on the subject and that only the British officer could say whether any embarrassment ever resulted. "It is my belief that it did not," Brown said.

Subscribe to The Republican. "Friendly Counsel We have a funeral service at a price to suit the income of every family, and any family making, us arrange- can choose as they wish with no embarassment and with no attempt to influence their judgment. tour JOHN F. HILL FUNERAL HOME PHONE 504 KANE PENNA Quotable Quotes From World News By United Press UNITED NATIONS, N. Cabot Lodge U.

S. ambassador to the United Nations, on Hungary's rejection of a proposed visit by UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold. "This is an affront to the secretary-general and to the whole civilized world, particularly after the attempt to hornswoggle us, last night." TOKYO- Turncoat Arlie Pate, 25, of Carbondale, after three years in Red China: "Communism is 1 for the people that want it. I don't want it." MENOMINEE FALLS, Wis.Mrs. Stanley Nadwocki, whose 6- year old son, Dale, is dying of cancer: "You never find out how kind people are until a time like this." HONOLULU- -Territorial Sen.

Ben Dillingham on longshoremen's leader Harry Bridges: "There isn't a dictator anywhere in the world who has any more power." NEW YORK-Adm. Arleigh A. Burke on historians' assessment of the U. S. 6th Fleet's contribution to peace in the Middle East: "I suggest that they will find the contribution to be substantial." LONDON -Mrs.

Vera Stravinsky, wife of the composer: "It may surprise you, but I don't like classical music." State Police Say: als, or turn indicator when making a turn in or out of traffic. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sheeley attended funeral services held for Mrs. Paul Wolslayer at Kersey Tuesday Motorists: Don't endanger your own life by confusing your fellow automobile drivers.

Always use the proper hand sign- HOSPITAL NOTES KANE SUMMIT HOSPITAL Admissions Master Robert Pardee, Kane. Master Russell Pardee, Kane. Raymond Cataline, Youngstown, O. Carmen Miceli, Kane. Frank Weiderwohl, Kane.

Dismissed Miss Morris, Kane. Georgia, Peterson, Kane. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Admissions Rev. Eric Lundgren, Marienville. Mrs.

Lillian Swanson, Smethport. Mrs. Tillie Carlson, Ludlow. Erma Danielson, Kane. Dismissed Infant Mark Anderson, Kane.

Victor Lantz, Mt. Jewett. Neil McAvoy, Kane. Miss Gloria Heeter, RD 1, Kane. James Sorenson, Mt.

Jewett. Richard King, Wampum. Mrs. Alfred Johnson and infant son, Ludlow. Fish Fry Moose Club Friday night.

12-6-1t. Death Notices PETERSON, Charles 84, of James City road, died December 4 at Community hospital. Friends will be received at the John F. Hill funeral home at the usual visiting hours, 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 o'clock, beginning Wednesday evening. Funeral services will be held at Hill's Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, with the Rev.

Mallard L. Nelson of Tabor Lutheran church officiating. Interment will be in Mt. Tabor cemetery. 12-5-2t.

JOHNSON, Mrs. Mattie, 69, widow of Elno, Hacker street, died December 3 at Prince George General hospital, Cheverly, Md. Friends will be received at the John F. Hill funeral home at the usual visiting hours, 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 o'clock, beginning Wednesday evening. al services will be held at Hill's Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the Rev.

J. W. Jones of First Baptist church officiating. Interment in Forest Lawn tery. 12-4-3t REPORT AMBASSADOR TO PARIS, DOUGLAS DILLON, MAY RESIGN HIS POST AUGUSTA, Ga.

President Eisenhower scheduled a conference today with C. Douglas Dillon, U. S. ambassador, to France. Dillon, been in this country recently for conferences at the State Department, arrived in Augusta Wednesday night and was to see the Chief Executive at the Augusta National Golf Club during the morning.

Press Secretary James C. Hagerty in response to repeated inquiries, said he knew of no plans for Dillon to resign. He said the envoy was returning to his post. White House expected Dillon to leave for Paris Friday. Reporters pointed out that the same thing happened in the case of Mrs.

Clare Booth Luce who came home, resigned, then returned to Rome for a brief period before the resignation as the ambassador to Italy took effect. Asked if this might be the same case with DilIon, Hagerty said, "not that I know of." He explained that most ambassadors, when they have been in this country to report to the State Department, usually call on the President before returning to their foreign assignments. The Chief Executive will have a more extended conference Friday when he meets on the military defense budget with Defense Sec. Charles E. Wilson, Budget Director Percival Brundage and staff advisers.

INDIA LEADER DIES NEW DELHI-(UP)- Dr. B. R. Ambedakar, architect, of India's modern constitution, died today of a heart ailment at the age of 70. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru paid a glowing tribute to Ambedakar in the House today and it adjourned.

Santa Claus will be in Toyland at Broadbent-Stiteler's Fri. and 2 to 5, 7 to 9 P.M. 12-6-1t. The body of Miss Louella Rilling, about 65, of Snyder, near Buffalo, was found early Tuesday night," lying near her car at the Twin Oakes Motel, near DuBois. The woman had told patrons of the motel that she had driven most of the day, coming from Snyder.

She stopped at the motel for a bite to eat and engaged a room. About a half hour restaurant. after she left of the tel a group guests discovered her body. It was The program for laying the cornerstone of the new million dollar Corry YMCA on December 9 was announced yesterday by A. O.

Burgess, North West District executive secretary. The ceremony will open o'clock in the afternoon with a prelude by the Corry Area High school brass ensemble. thought Miss Rilling had suffered a heart attack as she was return- Ting to her car. TOYS Pre- Christmas SPECIALS $2.98 Pinky Lee Game $1.99 $2.98 Masquerade Party Game $1.99 $4.00 Golden Glocken Spiel $2.99 $1.98 Rub-n-Scrub Set $1.39 $2.98 Aluminum Dish Sets $2.29 $1.98 Aluminum Dish Sets $1.59 $2.25 Indian Beadcraft Sets $1.79 BE WISER- SHOP PIZOR PIZOR'S HARDWARE 118 Fraley St. Phone 557 NE.

The Kane Republican from Kane, Pennsylvania (2024)


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