Intelligencer Journal from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)

2 LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER JOURNAL TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1929. FIFTEEN Bushy Graham Wins Judges' Decision Over Vidal Gregorio BUCS RELEASE HILL, BY WAIVER TO CARDS Pittsburgh- (AP) -Carmen HIll, veteran -handed hurler, was rethe waiver route Monday by the leased to ether St. Louts Cardinals by Pittsburgh Pirates. HIll. who 18 thirty -four, resides at Corry, Pa.

The -spectacled moundsman broke into the big show with the Pirates in 1915 and later was sent to the minors. In 1922 him to the minors. Hill came to the New York Gianta, who. also voter the American Association and in 1927 he won 22 and lost 11 games, aiding the Buccaneers to win a pennant. year he had been used largely in relief roles.

My Dandy Scores At Lincoln Track New York (AP) Continuing his consistent 1929 performances, My Dandy, a four-year-old gelding from Reichart stable, Monday won the Olympia fields handicap that featured the opening coln fields. The little gelding was. in the best of form Monday, breezing home five lengths in front of D. E. Stewart's four year old filly, Martinique.

Only a neck back of the Stewart filly was Typhoon from the Kenton Farms while in the also ran group were such old timers as Flat Iron and War Eagle, a five-year-old son die McLean. Man 0' War owned by E. B. gates month of racing. the As Lincoln, Fields swung open its thoroughbred sport at Saratoga tered into its last week leading 1p to the twenty-fifth running of the Hopeful Saturday, SPORTS FEATURE OF LOCAL GAME PICNIC Trapshooting Holds Interest of Conservation Society Members first annual picnic of the Hancaster County Game Conservation ciety was held Saturday afternoon at Maple Grove park with over 100 in attendance.

The large attendance and participation in all games and contests by everyone present were marked features of the first picnic of this year old organization. Games were won by the following: Mrs. Charles Houser, nail driving conbucketm Helen Lutz, girls' kicking the bucket: Mrs. Florence F. Geist, cork shooting contest; Kitty Meiskey, chicken chasing: Mrs.

Mary Bauer, ball throwing, prize drawings, M. G. Dietrich and Mrs. Earl Lease; penny scramble for children was final event. Shooting events were held on the ground in the rear of the park.

The scores for the trapshooting contest which was won by G. Kreider, were as follows: 25 bird event- G. Kreider. 22; W. Reese, 21, S.

berger, 19; I. Fickes, 18; C. Sterback, 18; M. Dietrick, 17; E. Lease, 15; L.

Lechner, 15; C. Diem. 13; E. Hauser, 14: W. Lutz, 14: N.

Keinert, 14; J. Wissler, 14; J. C. Hougendobler, 13; W. Deiner, 12; G.

Shoemaker, 12; G. Lutz, 11; E. McMillen, 11; J. McCord, 10; Ira Childs, 10; C. Hauser, 10.

Small bore rifle shooting won by Ira Fickes-Ira Fickes, 91: W. Lutz 78; L. Lechner, 75: M. G. Dietrich, 72: S.

Eisenberger, 69; C. Diem, 67; W. Deiner, 65; I. Childs, 63; E. Lease, 59; William Reese, 55; G.

Shoemaker, 55; J. Wissler, 50; W. Deiner, 40; W. Geist, 32; G. Lutz, 22; E.

Hauser, 14. High power rifle event won by Ira Fickes-1. Fickes, 44; W. Lutz, 36; M. G.

Dietrich, 36; W. Diener, 27; L. Lechner, 25; W. Diener, Jr. 14; E.

Hauser, 13; C. Diem, 12. William Reese, Walter Lutz. Ira Fickes and Cleon Hougendobler were committee in charge of arrangements. next meeting of the ciety will be held Monday.

September 9, at 38 South Queen street. BANTAM BOXERS GO THRU GREAT 10 ROUND TIFF Both Fighters Overweight, Graham, 120, and Gregorio, 119 Pounds Philadelphia--(AP)-Bushy Graham, of Utica, N. by the Pennsylvania Athletic Commission 18 bastamweight champion, won the decision from Vidal Gregorio, of Spain. in a torrid ten battie Monday night. Both were bantamrounder weight limit, Graham scaling 120 and Gregorio 119.

Both fighters went at a fast clip All the way and both were fresh and full A of left fight at the the face final bell. Graham to sent to the floor for no count in the second round and in the eighth a left hook caught him off balance and he was down for a second. Neither blow caused him any worry and he continued to flail his opponent from every angle. Gregorio opened a cut above ham's left eye in the sixth, ham danced around and smothered his foeman with rights In final round gregorion forced Graham to the ropes in rush. but the New Yorker fought his way out and shot a left to the Spaniard's chin that sent his head back.

Graham then rushed the fighting and scored heavily with both hands. Two stiff uppercuts caused Gregorio to blink as the bell sounded. Jose Diaz. of Havana, claimant of the Featherweight Championship of Cuba, was awarded the decision over Henry Lenard, Chicago, after 10 rounds. In the early rounds Lenard outboxed, outpointed and outmanaged his opponent, but Diaz way to penetrate the Chicagoan's guard and landed sufficiently hard and often to win the verdict.

Diaz scaled 129 and Lenard OTHER FIGHT RESULTS Herrera Wins Decision Pittsburgh- (AP) -Tony Herrera, lightweight from Chicago battered his way to a ten decision here Monday night over Gaston Charles, rugged Frenchman. There were no knockdowns, but Charles appeared groggy in the ninth and tenth and bled from an injured left eye. Ray Kiser, of Chicago, won a decision over Ray Newton, Mansfield, in an eight-round bout. Ted Yarooz, Ambridge, won a referee's decision over Young Joe Walcott, of Washington, In six and Joe Smackey, Cannonsburg, won a verdict Alvin Miller, Pittsburgh, in the same number of sets. Dorfman On a Foul New York-(AP)-Sammy Dorfman, New York lightweight won on a foul in the second round of his ten round match with Augle Pisano, of New York, at Brooklyn, Monday night.

Dorfman weighed 133 pounds, Pisano TIGERS AFTER GAMES The Lancaster Tigers have open dates for Saturday and Sunday would like to schedule a doubleheader for Labor Day, away home with some fast county teams. Get in touch with Manager Andrew Pitz, 833 Fifth street, 'phone 6132-W. HOLTWOOD WANTS GAMES The Holtwood baseball team would like to book games for September 1 and 8. Call Manager Arthur Shaub, Hensel exchange, 471 during the day and 8-R-13 in the evenings. HEN NURSES PUPS Coleman, A Rhode Island hen, owned by C.

C. Cornelius, of this city, has adopted four English bull pups about four weeks old. The hen, and mother of the pups all seem satisfied with the arrangement. A meeting of the Moose Bowling League Association was held Monday night in the Moose Home, East King street, and was featured with the ection of the various teams and their players and the date for the opening of the 1929-1930 league. The league will swing into action on.

Monday evening September 16, on the Moose The Association has been divided into two leagues and of which six teams comprise the first and four the second. The teams in the former league will bowl Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week while the latter bowl Tuesday and Thursday. The League teams are as follows: Deer: F. Ganse, H. Bowers, H.

Braas, R. Kuhns, Victor Stewart and John Nolt. Lions: L. Fiester H. Fawbet, P.

Stoll. C. Fisher, Hatfield and Moore Bears: Christ Winnerling. W. Wolfer.

Reitzel, Lou Nagle, J. Weaver and H. Rathman. Moose: H. Aukamp, John Good, V.

Bernhart, C. Koch, G. Biggs, and A. Souders. Elks: W.

McKendrick, L. Broos. C. Roschel, A. Kreider, Harry Markert and A.

Kamm. Tigers: H. Bransby, P. Bransby, H. O'Neil, C.

Geissner, C. Tomlinson and B. Hatfield. The. League teams are as follows: Leopards: John Yunginger, D.

Tomlinson, J. Miller, J. Shelly, H. Stern, William Stewart and E. Chambers.

Panthers. C. Parker, C. Smith. Harry Eman, H.

Shaub, F. Maurer, N. Wallick. and M. Flester.

Bisons: W. Brubaker, H. Martin, G. Stewart. R.

Miller, H. Bucklus, A. E. and Martin. Wolves: P.

Brinser, S. Brubaker, A. Hutchinson, E. Wolf, A. Shopf, F.

Matt and D. Reitzel. John S. Good is president of the association. Jeff Bransby is secretary.

Walter Wenninger, steward at the Moose Home is treasurer. AN OPEN LETTER MOOSE SELECT PIN TEAMS FOR COMING SEASON Two Leagues, and Will Compete For Honors This Year Jack Martin, Intell-Journal Sports Editor. Dear Sir: Andrew Pitz, manager of the Lancaster Tigers, wishes to book series of three or five games with any city team claiming the city championship. The Tigers have played all city teams but one. The West End and Athletics teams had a claim in the paper for city We had a win over teams them but both Gunzenhauser, and all other which city: have not played yet.

The Lancaster Tigers will play all Saturday games at home. The Tigers' home field will be the North End mond. across from the new P. R. R.

station. (Signed) ANDREW PITZ, 833 Fifth Street. Phone 6132-W. TODAY'S SPORTS PAGES 13, 14, 15 Apples, Fresh Eggs, Honey, Vegetables If you have any of these articles for sale, go to market with them through the result-getting Want Ads in The Lancaster Newspapers Stop and Shop among the Want Ads PHONE 2000 OR 3300 MAURETANIA CAPTAIN CHALLENGES MISS HELEN New York (UP) Helen Wills has never been able to beat Capt. S.

G. S. McNell at deck tennis, but she has been offered another portunity. The Captain of the liner tania, who has beaten Miss Wills many times deck tennis on the high seak, has radioedni the world's greatest star following, invitation: pleasure of return deck tennis match with you September on the Hotel Delmonico Terrace? Anxious for another game." McMillan's Homer Aids Cubs To Win Norman McMillan's home run with the bases full Monday was the big gun of a seven -run offensive in the eighth inning that gave the Chicago Cubs a 9 to 5 win over the Cincinnati Reds. The victory increased the Three Chicago runs league down the last half of lead games.

the eighth, the Cubs disposed of the tiring Eppa Rixey and continued a devastating seven -hit attack on Rube Ehrhardt. Rogers Hornsby hit his the season. Bowl oue St. Louis Baker saw an apparent victory turned into a 7 to 6 defeat by a ninth inning Philadelphia rally and a bobble by Orsatti. A pinch home run Virgil Davis put the Phillies into the running in the eighth after Jim Bottomlev's 27th home run helped pile up a four -run lead.

Frieberg doubled to start the ninth. Two men went down then Whitney singled, scoring Friberg and scored himself a moment later when Orsatti threw Hurst's single wild. The American league enjoyed an open date. RHEEMS WANT GAMES The Rheems baseball team is without Call games Manager for M. the coming, weekGemperling, 'phone Elizabethtown exchange 109-R-5 in the evenings, 6TH WARDERS URGE SUPPORT FOR CAMPAIGN Festival Will Be Held Friday and Saturday Nights at P.

R. R. Field Support of residents and football tans of the Sixth Ward is requested at festival to be held Friday and Saturday nights, August 30 and 31, at the P. R. R.

Field, at Rossmere. From this event, it is hoped to raise enough money to purchase equipment for the newly organized Sixth Ward football team which will make its but on the Merchant-Evans Field, at Rossemere, about the middle of next month. Already plans are underway to make the festival a grand success and the offcials hope all fans will rally to the cause and give the team this much needed support for the Arst season on the gridiron. Interest for berths on the eleven 1s running high additional candidates are reporting at each practce for tryouts. Thirty-six candidates reported at the drill Monday night at McGrann's Park, this however, did not include many who reported previously and were unable to out.

In all there are about fifty players bidding for positions on the team. Many of the players who reported Monday night were from Victrix, Rialto and Seventh Ward Panther stars. From all indications the Ward should present a stellar football fit on the field this season. They will use the Carnege Tech system of plays according to an announcement made by officials of the newly organized grid combination Monday night. BALL LIVELY THEN Big scores were not unknown in baseball before the so-called lively ball was introduced.

1897 Chicago beat Louisville by a score of 26 to 7. plains of Oklahoma, other states 500n procure choice granite for -Although uments from rock strata of the the rolling state, the state geological report GRANITE IN OKLAHOMA Norman, Okla, --(UP) towering oil derricks present 1y the only monument on may dicts. The granite quarried in the mon- state 18 of a distinctive color shade Sooner which meets with favor in markets, oppre- report, THE MANURE Foil Wrapped to protect their fine colors and prevent breakage. QUALITY FLOR PERFECTO will. but don't Smoke gamble in MANUELS pick- PANETELA Gamble on the market if you ing cigars.

because good. you KNOW they're Mazer-Cressman MANUS Cigar moke Philadelphia, Vine st. Pa. Choose Favorite (your Size Today MANUEL Program MANUEL every, Musical Tuesday Detroit CIGARS They re Eastern Time Standard tc Food Copyright 1929 Chrysler Corporation WORLD'S FINEST PERFORMANCE 3 CHRYSLERS WITH MULTI- GEAR SHIFT GIVE NEW DRIVING THRILL THROUGH the development of a new Multi- ence in results and what a difference in the I Range Gear Shift and other sweeping joys of driving! 11 8 advancements, Chrysler has left the industry Not until you actually drive a Chrysler NEW NEW far behind. Imperial, "77" or "70" will you realize finally First created for the magnificent Chrysler and fully how far ahead the new Multi-Range Imperial and now carrying out the Chrysler Gear Shifthas carried the standards of motoring.

and IMPERIAL ideals of Standardized Quality, also incorporated in the new "77" and Multi- Nor do you want to miss seeing and driving the $2895 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL PRICES Roadster Range Gear Shift completely revolutionizes remarkable new Chrysler in price (with rumble seat), $2895; Town Sedan, $2975; 5-passen- and quality of motor car performance. than any six that ever before bore the name range ger Sedan, $2975; Standard Coupe, $2995; Convertible The results are entirely without counterpart in of Chrysler. Coupe, $2995; 7-passenger Sedan, $3095; 7-passenger Phaeton, $3095; Sedan-Limousine, $3475; Custom-built automobile experience. It is every inch a Chrysler in the best Chrysler 4-pass. Phaeton, $3855.

F.O. B. Factory (Special Equip- There is nothing new to learn in driving. You tradition, from radiator to rear axle, from rims ment Extra) shift gears as before -but with what a differ- to roof-and what a value! 4 5 5 $1595 NEW CHRYSLER "IT" PRICES- Business Coupe Crown $1775; Coupe, (with Sedan, $1595, Convertible rumble $1775; Roadster seat), Town Coupe (with $1695, Sedan, (with rumble Royal $1775, rumble seat), Sedan, Crown seat), $1625, Coupe, $1695, $1795; Royal CHRYSLER (including tonneau cowl and windshield), $1795. F.

O. B. Factory (Special Equipment Extra) MOTORS PRODUCTS $1245 NEW CHRYSLER "70" PRICES- -Phaeton, "TI Crown Coupe $1245, Roadster (with rumble seat), $1295; Business Coupe, $1295, Brougham, $1295, Royal Coupe (with rumble seat), $1345; Royal Sedan, $1395. F. O.

B. Factory (Special Equipment Extra) $985 NEW CHRYSLER "66" PRICES Business Coupe, $985; Roadster (with rumble seat), $995; Phaeton, $995; Brougham, $995; Royal Coupe (with rumble seat), $1045; Royal Sedan, $1065. F. O. B.

Factory (Special Equipment Extra) G. S. BURKHOLDER ER Phone 3341 59 North Duke Street Lancaster, Pa. ASSOCIATE DEALERS: BAKER ROYER. Ephrata, Pa.


J. ELMER ZIMMERMAN, Blue Ball, Pa. R. H. FORNEY, Elizabethtown, Pa.

C. H. ESHBACH, Millersville, Pa. CHESTER E. WILEY SON, Peach Bottom, Pa.

INTERCOURSE GARAGE, Intercourse, Pa. R. P. WEIDMAN, Lititz, Pa..

Intelligencer Journal from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)


Does Lancaster, PA have a newspaper? ›

LNP | LancasterOnline, the company's flagship daily newspaper and news website that together serve as the county's number one source for news and information. Weekly newspapers, The Ephrata Review and The Lititz Record Express, both have deep roots in their respective communities.

How do I contact the Lancaster newspaper? ›

Please fill out the form below and a customer service representative will contact you. If you would prefer to speak to someone, please call (717) 291-8611.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper in Pennsylvania? ›

*Data as of July 2022.
  • Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. ...
  • Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era. ...
  • The Patriot-News. ...
  • The Intelligencer. ...
  • The Times-Tribune. ...
  • The York Dispatch. ...
  • Berkshire Eagle. ...
  • Cecil Whig.

Where is the Lancaster newspaper located? ›

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

How much does it cost to subscribe to the Lancaster newspaper? ›

Quality, independent, local journalism plays an important role in our community and we appreciate your support.
  • ANNUAL DIGITAL. $119. $95. Save $24 / year. Thats only $1.83 / week! ...
  • MONTHLY DIGITAL. $9.95. $1. for 3 months. $9.95 / month thereafter. ...
  • PRINT + DIGITAL. Home delivery starting at. $16. per month. Free Gift Inlcuded!

How do I contact a local newspaper? ›

Writing a letter to the letters page is one of the quickest and easiest ways to contact your local media. The letters page is one of the most read parts of a local newspaper. To enhance your chances of getting a letter printed it's helpful to read previous letters to get a sense of the style they like to publish.

How do I get into my local newspaper? ›

Ten ways to get coverage in your local media
  1. Do your research. ...
  2. Network. ...
  3. Approach local journalists directly. ...
  4. Feed stories to reporters. ...
  5. Learn to write newsworthy press releases. ...
  6. Exploit natural PR opportunities. ...
  7. Create PR opportunities. ...
  8. Get involved in the local community.

Is the Philadelphia Tribune a black newspaper? ›

With a rich history of growth and advocacy that closely mirrors the nation's Civil Rights progress, The Philadelphia Tribune is the nation's oldest continuously published newspaper reflecting the African-American experience.

Does Penn State have a newspaper? ›

The Daily Collegian and its predecessors serve as an important source for documenting student life at the Pennsylvania State University .

Was the Pennsylvania Gazette a newspaper? ›

The Pennsylvania Gazette, published from 1728-1800, was one of the most prominent and successful newspapers in the American colonies and Early Republic. Published in Philadelphia, the newspaper was purchased by BenjaminFranklin and Hugh Meredith in 1729.

Does William and Mary have a newspaper? ›

Flat Hat News | The College of William and Mary's Student Voice Since 1911. Updated Daily.


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.