Search Adoptable Animals | San Diego Humane Society (2025)

Yrs ' + petMonths + ' Months ' + petWeeks + ' Weeks'; } else if (petYears === null) { petAge = 'Age Unknown'; } else { var petAge = '' + petYears + ' Yrs ' + petMonths + ' Months ' + petWeeks + ' Weeks'; } var petIsCrossBreed = pets[i].Breed.IsCrossBreed; //console.log(petIsCrossBreed); if (petIsCrossBreed == true) { petIsCrossBreed = ' Cross'; } else { petIsCrossBreed = ''; } var petAnimalType = pets[i].AnimalType; if (petAnimalType === "Kitten") { var petAnimalType = "Cat"; } if (petAnimalType === "Puppy") { var petAnimalType = "Dog" } if (petAnimalType === "Chinchilla") { var petAnimalType = "Rodent" } if ((petAnimalType === "Crab") || (petAnimalType === "Fish") || (petAnimalType.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '') === "crab/fish") || (petAnimalType === "Goat") || (petAnimalType === "Insect") || (petAnimalType === "Arachnid") || (petAnimalType.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '') === "insect/arachnid") || (petAnimalType === "Sheep") || (petAnimalType === "Amphibian")) { var petAnimalType = "Other" } //var petBreedPrimary = pets[i].Breed.Primary.Name; var petBreedPrimary = pets[i].Breed.Primary; //var petBreed = petBreedPrimary + petIsCrossBreed var petBreed = petBreedPrimary; //var petLocation = pets[i].Location.PhysicalLocation.Name; var petLocation = pets[i].Location if (petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - 5480' || petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - 5485' || petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - 5495' || petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - 5525' || petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - Behavior Center' || petLocation == 'Mobile Adoption' || petLocation == 'Nursery - San Diego' || petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - 5500' || petLocation == 'Nursery - San Diego') { petLocation = 'San Diego Campus'; } else { petLocation = petLocation; } var petStatus = pets[i].Status; var petStatusClass; if (petStatus === 'Available For Adoption') { petStatus = 'Available On-Campus'; petStatusClass = 'on-site'; } else if (petStatus === 'Available for Adoption - In Foster') { petStatus = 'Available Off-Site In Foster'; petStatusClass = 'off-site'; } else if (petStatus === 'Available for Adoption - Waiting Space') { petStatus = 'Available On-Campus'; petStatusClass = 'off-site'; } else { petStatus == ''; petStatusClass = ''; } if ((petLocation === 'San Diego Campus') || (petLocation === 'San Diego Campus - 5500')) { petLocationClass = 'san-diego'; } else if (petLocation === 'El Cajon Campus') { petLocationClass = 'cajon'; } else if (petLocation === 'Escondido Campus') { petLocationClass = 'escondido'; } else if (petLocation === 'Oceanside Campus - Cats/Small Animals') { petLocationClass = 'oceanside'; } else if (petLocation === 'Oceanside Campus - Dogs') { petLocationClass = 'oceanside'; } else { petLocationClass = ''; } var petAgeGroupClass; var petNum = (petYears + "." + String(petMonths).padStart(2, '0')); if (petYears === null) { petAgeGroupClass = "young adult senior"; } else if (0.07 >= petNum) { petAgeGroupClass = "young"; } else if (petNum > 7.07) { petAgeGroupClass = "senior"; } else if (petNum <= 7.07) { petAgeGroupClass = "adult"; } //var petThumbUrlFunction = getPetThumb(); var petThumbUrl = pets[i].MainPhoto; //console.log(petThumbUrl); if (petThumbUrl == null) { petThumbUrl = ''; } else { //petThumbUrl = pets[i].MainPhoto.Default; var petThumbUrlObj = pets[i].MainPhoto.default; //petThumbUrlObj = petThumbUrlObj.substring(0, petThumbUrlObj.length - 10); //console.log('petURLobj is ' + petThumbUrlObj) petThumbUrl = '' + petThumbUrlObj; } var petUrl = '' + petId; writePetItems(); //goToAnchor('animalGallery'); jQuery('#backtotop').html('Back to Top'); } //for callback(); function writePetItems() { var petString = '

Search Adoptable Animals | San Diego Humane Society (1)

'; petString += '

' + petName + ''; petString += ' #' + petId + '

'; petString += '

' + petGender + '
'; if ((petAnimalType.toLowerCase() === "dog") && (pets[i].Breed.IsCrossBreed === true)) { petString += '

' + petBreed + ' Mix
'; } else { petString += '

' + petBreed + '
'; } petString += '' + petBreed + ''; petString += petAge; petString += '' + petNum + ''; petString += '
'; petString += '' + petLocation + ''; petString += '
'; petString += petStatus + '

'; if (petAnimalType.toLowerCase() === "guinea pig") { petString += 'guinea'; } else { petString += '' + petAnimalType.toLowerCase() + ''; } petString += '

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'; $('#animalGallery').append(petString); var BreedList = "

"; if ($("#breedchoice option:contains('" + petBreed + "')").length === 0) { $("#breedchoice").append(BreedList); } } console.log("Breed list done"); $(".breed.selection, .breed .trigger").attr("disabled", false).removeClass("disabled"); console.log("Total Pets: " + $("#animalGallery .pet-item").length); console.log("Visible Pets: " + $("#animalGallery .pet-item:visible").length); }); //getCats } //getSearchAnimalsAws(); $(document).ready(function() { $('.search-form select option:contains("All")').prop("selected", true); $('.search-form select option:contains("ALL")').prop("selected", true); !$('.search-form select option:contains("All")').prop("selected", false); !$('.search-form select option:contains("ALL")').prop("selected", false); $('.search-form input[type="text"]').val(''); $("#no-results").removeClass("visible"); console.log('getSearchAnimalsAws'); getSearchAnimalsAws(checkFilters); //check jQuery version if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') { console.log(jQuery.fn.jquery); } //*** DISPLAY FILTER function TypeSearch() { // Name & ID var typingTimer; var doneTypingInterval = 300; // 1 second/1000 ms var input = $("#searchName, #searchId"); // Your input input.on("keyup paste", function() { clearTimeout(typingTimer); typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval); }); input.on("keydown", function() { clearTimeout(typingTimer); }); // user is done function doneTyping() { let searchValue = $("#searchName").val().toString().toLowerCase(); let searchId = $("#searchId").val().replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '').toString(); if (searchValue !== '') { $("#search-nav").addClass("selected"); $('.search-form select option:contains("ALL")').prop("selected", true); !$('.search-form select option:contains("ALL")').prop("selected", false); $(".pet-item").removeClass("petname-match"); $(".pet-item").each(function() { var petName = $(this).find(".petName").text().toString().toLowerCase(); if (petName.indexOf(searchValue) > -1) { $(this).addClass("petname-match").removeClass("hidden-pet"); } if (!$(this).hasClass("petname-match")) { $(this).addClass("hidden-pet"); 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$("#genderSearch").attr("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); $(".gender.selection").addClass("disabled"); $('#genderSearch option:contains("All")').prop("selected", true); !$('#genderSearch option:contains("All")').prop("selected", false); $("#statusSearch").attr("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); $(".status.selection").addClass("disabled"); $('#statusSearch option:contains("All")').prop("selected", true); !$('#statusSearch option:contains("All")').prop("selected", false); $("#searchAge").attr("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); $(".age.selection").addClass("disabled"); $('#searchAge option:contains("All")').prop("selected", true); !$('#searchAge option:contains("All")').prop("selected", false); } else { $("#breedchoice").attr("disabled", false).removeClass("disabled"); $(".breed.selection").removeClass("disabled"); $("#genderSearch").attr("disabled", false).removeClass("disabled"); $(".gender.selection").removeClass("disabled"); $("#statusSearch").attr("disabled", false).removeClass("disabled"); 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console.log('LocationChoice: ' + LocationChoice); console.log('GenderChoice: ' + GenderChoice); console.log('StatusChoice: ' + StatusChoice); console.log('AgeChoice: ' + AgeChoice); console.log("Matching Pets: " + $("#animalGallery .pet-item[class*='match']:not('.hidden-pet')").length); console.log("height: " + $("#animalGallery").height() > 24); if ($("#animalGallery").height() > 80) { $("#no-results").removeClass("visible"); } else { $("#no-results").addClass("visible"); } // Storage /* createCookie('PetTypeChoice', PetTypeChoice); createCookie('BreedChoice', BreedChoice); createCookie('LocationChoice', LocationChoice); createCookie('GenderChoice', GenderChoice); createCookie('StatusChoice', StatusChoice); createCookie('AgeChoice', AgeChoice); console.log("PetTypeChoice: " + readCookie('PetTypeChoice') + " BreedChoice: " + readCookie('BreedChoice')); */ if (PetTypeChoice !== "ALL") { $("#breedchoice option").addClass("hidden"); $("#breedchoice option[data-type='All'], #breedchoice option[data-type='" + PetTypeChoice + "']").removeClass("hidden"); console.log("Matching Pet Breeds..."); } else { $("#breedchoice option").removeClass("hidden"); console.log("Matching ALL Pet Breeds..."); } } //ApplyStatus var PetTypeChoice = $('#petType option:selected').val(); var BreedChoice = $('#breedchoice option:selected').attr("data-type"); $("#petType").on("input", function() { if (PetTypeChoice != BreedChoice) { console.log("no match;"); $("#breedchoice option").prop("selected", false).removeProp("selected"); $("#breedchoice option").eq(0).prop("selected", true).attr("selected", "selected").change(); } else if (PetTypeChoice == BreedChoice) { console.log("match; no type change"); } else if (BreedChoice === "All") { console.log("All Breeds"); } console.log("PetType changed; petType selected: " + PetTypeChoice + " chosenBreed: " + BreedChoice); }); $("#breedchoice").on("input", function() { var BreedChoice = $('#breedchoice option:selected').attr("data-type"); if (BreedChoice !== "All") { $("#petType option:selected").prop("selected", false).removeAttr("selected"); 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Search Adoptable Animals | San Diego Humane Society (2025)


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Article information

Author: Errol Quitzon

Last Updated:

Views: 6223

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.